

  8S中国起名网是国内家起名公司,也是三大命名公司之一,8S中国拥有全国更的命名顾问,和的命名团队。在语言学、营销学、美学、国学等着名领N 4 Q ) [ W $域都全面涉及,为公司提供的命名服务,现8S中国已经为全国乃至企业重点合作单位。

   俏十岁是创立于2010年的奢华抗衰护肤品牌. = /。资深的科研人员们不断汲取来自生物学、医药学、化学、皮肤学和营养学等多个领域H E _ X }的前R + h ! f 2 % c ~沿科技,并联合国内外科研机构生产W ^ M k B纯净营养、功能性抗衰老美容产品。

   CHOISHYNE founded in 29 G k A 6010, anti-luxuryg A L skin care braH i a k k N 9 knd. Senior researchers who continue to learn from biology, medicine, cheQ | & Qmistry, deo # M Urmato` * B . J P Elogy and nutrition and other fields of cutting-edge tech logy and research institutions at home and abroad combined production of purx ) e ~ : v t $ ye nutrition, fun( / p k { : ^ctional anti-aging b} | P weauty productst w ; i.
   8S为俏十岁所做的命名与形象设计,抓住了女性化妆品的特征4 1 h % w _ f,选用了玫红色,而且色彩过渡自然,给人以柔滑、F w G丝润的感觉。品牌形象的字体活泼、俏皮,恰似婀娜多姿、亭亭玉立的少女身影,与俏十岁这三个字紧密相连。同时海报设计也很有想象力,让女孩儿的背后长出了像蝴蝶一样的翅膀,仿佛女孩儿因美丽而翩若仙子。
   That Wevin did Packagii } @ r Pnn b 5 E /g and brochure desi, % l ^ ,gn for CHOISHYNE capt{ K ! @ ~ Pured the characteristics ofX u 1 women’s cosmetics, the choice of red rose and natural co5 X ; G S ilor transition, gives a smooth, wire Run feeling. Brand LOGO fonts lively, playful, like the graceful, slim girl3 X 4 o / figure, with pretty old thef L l \ bsC c y R se three words ap q 1 ( s Wre closely linked. Meanwhile poster design is a^ F !lso verT / @ 1 . E c Ny imaginative, so that gir_ e E _ jls grow up behind like a butterfly’s wings, as if the girl because of thQ Z ~ h ; % T Te beautiful and Pina, if fairy.

   俏十岁) z # 5 ~ y公司起名分析:
&#b ^ G M _ O x X B13;
   (宝马金鞍)侥幸多望,贵人得助,财帛如裕,繁荣至上。\ : $ \ 7 i C n 8
   基业:天德、月德、君臣、将星、文官、学士、文昌、进宅、祖业。P f # ; N : V A /
W C C @

   含义:侥幸多望之格,常得长上之庇护。若能得长辈提提携,其成功m L l _ x将势如破竹。且此数理者品性温良,大有爱护他人之德。家门隆昌繁荣,为至上的吉数,更适合女性用。
 \ J e [ a * { c (大吉 )  &#13Q $ 7;
&#1V 5 B H c A ?3;


   成都嘉泰翼宝汽车销售服务有限公司成立于2009年,是德国AC Schnm ^ ditzer高性能宝马汽车中国大陆地区总经销商,负责该品牌在大陆地区的进口分销,品牌推广,售后服务的全面业务。AC Schnitzer始终致力为追求品味与运动的精英| m , 1 5 5 @ P D人士提供宝马全系高性能整车、运动r ` G c ? E套件和配件产品,并以j g c其无可挑剔的市场表现而得到消费者的亲睐。
   Beijing Jia Tai Yi Bao Auto Sales & Service Co., Ltd., established in 2009, is Geh ! V 2 } X 1 ` Lrmany’s BMW AC Schnitzer high performance distributor inf ` , d ! 0 China mainland, it is responsible for overall business of import distribution in the maiB s 1 d Mnland, brand promotion, and after-sales services. AC Schnitzer has always been committed to providing the elites who pursue taste and sports with BMW full line ve\ L B @ L E : Shicles, spT m [ & | ( f y 6orts kits and accesso^ I r ) ( 9 Fries, its market performance has won consumers’ trusts.
   对于高性能宝马车的区域经销商来说,嘉泰翼宝这个z L K 3名称颇为合适,“嘉&rdqk 2 = ; 4 Tuo;本身就带有美好的意思,“泰&rdquo2 / ^;会给人一种厚重感,是责任与实` l J % g r力的一种体现,而“翼&U D j + prdquo;则是翅膀的意思,预示着展翅高飞,“宝”更直观的意思是宝贝,= ] o % f $而如果与产品& x – \` k Q e %系起来,就会想到宝马汽车,非常巧妙地将品牌融入其中。

   Jia Tai Yi Bao is a perfect name for high-performR T \ % 2ance BMW reg^ q L jioy 6 | znal dealers, the name is endowed with wonderful meanings and associ$ 7 m ; _ ^ J r oations, it shows a sense of responsibility and embodied strength. The name also r$ F Y Zeminds people of BMW in its pronunciation which could show a good connection.

   SK奥蔻是一个流行时v Q *尚女装品牌,融合流行元素与精致设计,以彩色、浪漫、创新、俏皮、精致为特点,代表都市女性的内心改变。品牌以“现代浪漫“、“转变”、“强烈对比”为精髓,强调精致细节的创新设计,体现怀旧与时尚、大胆与温柔n * * h K m M D H、玩味与优雅、女人味与干练的对比融合。
   SK O2nd is a fashion clothing brand, the perfect fusion of fashion elements and exquisite design, in color, romantic, creative, playful, delicate characterized by, on behad X [ % 9lf of urban women’s heart ch^ 8 p i { Ranged. Brand of "Modern Romance," "original shift", "contrast&quotz o d ( N j z M r; as the essence of in vative design emphasizes fine detail, reflecting stalgia and fashion, boc 2 + / t %ld and gentle, playful and elegant, femi# J 9 T @ G w Cnine contrast with skilful fusion.

   经过全面的调研分析,8S命名采用了“音译&rdquo{ x f h S ) M;为\ z n L ^ g ~ ~ q主的命名线路,经过多轮的筛选分析X a V P \ !“奥蔻”脱颖而出,“奥蔻”同O’2f ) $ B fnd在发音上保持了高度的统y O = w S 5 q一,该名称现代、大气,国际化特征明显,用于时尚高端女装品牌尤为适合,明显区隔于行业其他/ ~ . H ` z H x品牌名称。

   After a thoro! % d 9ugh investigation and analysis, Wevin adoL ; E : jpted the &quotR X Z;transliteration" based naming lines,U @ ` Y ) j o after several rounds of screening analysis &v l \ . Tq= ^ x : u yuot;ao kou" fore, "ao kou" with O’2nd in pronunciation maD ^ / Z _intaining a high degree of unity, the name oD $ . Z 1 . x R {f modern , the aa p ? ?tmosphere, th) q % w d ? 3e i~ u z U X ] 0 Z Hnternational distinctive characteristics for high-end fashion clothing braf \ x I d F Z – ]nd is particulQ d darly suitable, clearly segregated from other brand names in the industry.
   以上只是8S中国起名的个别案例,更多大公司大品i X { L C K . T 4牌的命名案例请关注8S中国起名公司官网查阅。给公司起名、品/ K 5牌命名、商标起名及品牌命名,8SA H \ _ i中国!


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时间:2022-3-29 编辑:成都品牌设计公司



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